Monday, October 28, 2013

UCLA Day with the Dodgers!

The Sunday after classes started, there was UCLA Day with the Dodgers, which meant UCLA students, faculty and staff got discounted tickets to the All You Can Eat Pavilion at Dodgers Stadium. In the past two years, baseball has been a sport that has grown on me- partially due to the incredibly cheap minor league seats I could get with the Greensboro Hoppers. So, the opportunity to see a MLB game was not one I was going to pass by. A girl in my cohort is a huge Dodgers fan, so she organized getting the tickets and who was going; it ended up being three of us from the cohort and friends/significant others (Cameron unfortunately couldn't make it as he had to work)

The game was against the Colorado Rockies and, unfortunately, the Dodgers weren't fairing too well. It was cool experience, but it was super hot that day (90 some odd degrees) and we were sitting in full sun. I got a great farmer's tan within an hour of being there. I'd like to go to another game and see if cooler weather makes it more fun, but it's nice to have a MLB team right in our backyard! 

My embarrassing story of the game is I forgot to print out the ticket, so the people I was carpooling with were gracious enough to help find a Kinkos. I knew I was forgetting someting when I walked out the door! I felt terrible making us late to the game, but they assured me it was no problem. We did drive through Little Tokyo in downtown LA, which was a fun detour. I was told, "Arrive late and leave early, that's the LA way." I suppose that's true when trying to avoid traffic. 

A not so clear photo of the Welcome to Dodger Stadium sign

That's a full stadium!

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