Friday, October 18, 2013

UCLA vs. Cal

Y'all, I'm three for three on home games at UCLA. Talk about a monumental event. I originally was going to skip the Cal game to get ahead on some readings, but one of my cohort members mentioned that she was going and so we started to chat about it. So, I was under the impression that the Cal game was against a CSU or a smaller university. Apparently not. Cal, in Californian lingo, is what UC Berkeley is commonly known as. I didn't know that. Needless to say, I changed my mind about missing that game.

I was able to carpool with a girl from my cohort and her fiancĂ©, which is nice to split the $25 parking fee. We tailgated a bit before moseying into the stadium. Holy cannoli were there a lot of people there. Usually, we get through the gate quite quickly and we can go straight into the student section. Not this time. We kept getting routed from the usual sections because there were so many people trying to find seats. While we should have gotten there by the start of the game, by the time we were able to sit down, it was the start of the second quarter. 

And, not going to lie, it was a bit chilly. Chilly as in what I was wearing (jeans and a hoodie) had to be supplemented by a fleece blanket that was in my friend's car. This desert weather can be tricky where it's quite warm in the day, but it gets rather brisk at night. Some people wore down jackets, which I thought was a little extreme, but Ugg boots and a warmer fleece jacket would probably not go amiss next time. 

Cameron had to work, so he's only been to the first game with me. Hopefully, he'll get a Saturday night off soon and we can see another one. I bought a ticket for the BIG UCLA vs. USC game over Thanksgiving Break-- think UNC vs Duke rivalry-- but I couldn't buy guest tickets so hopefully I can snag another so we can see this cross town rivalry!

This game was packed! 

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