Monday, November 11, 2013

Halloween in West Hollywood

Since we got here in July, we have been told that West Hollywood on Halloween was THE thing to check out. So naturally, we made plans to do so. Several members of my cohort (LA natives and not) were planning on going, so Cameron and I joined in on the fun.

1st: driving was awful. Several major streets were closed or blocked off, so we ended up snagging a parking place on a residential street (thank you, Mini Cooper for being so tiny and fitting in small spaces) and walked about a mile to get to the main event. About a mile and a half of Santa Monica Blvd was closed down so people could walk around in costume (or not) and do whatever it is they do there. There were some live bands, but for the most part, it seemed like a bunch of people walking around and looking at other costumes. If there were specific things to do, I didn't see them.

2nd: it was packed! There were so many people, but with that came some great costumes! It was hard to take a lot of pictures because we were constantly getting jostled, but I did manage to take a few. At one point, Cameron and I got separated from the group, but it was after 11pm at that point we were ready to throw in the towel and head home to sleep.

Here are a few of the fun costumes we saw:

This is Beverly from my cohort- she was dressed as a chicken, but it was for Chickering's Student Development Theory (one of the theories we are learning in class)
So many people!

This guy was dressed as a mermaid and was using the crutches to propel himself around, which shows some serious commitment to a costume. He had some pretty freaking face paint on though.
By far my favorite costume: she was a campfire that actually glowed! and he was a boyscout complete with a marshmallow on a stick.
I think he was supposed to be a character from the film Gravity.
These guys were dressed as pinatas and were handing out candy!
Another serious favorite-- this guy is Aladdin. He had a solo cup on his head, a monkey backpack and literally a carpet on his skateboard that he was riding around on. It was hard to get a clear photo of him, but it was great!
The Pope, who actually had someone in front of him shouting. "Make way for the Pope." For good measure, I'd like to add he was wearing a bathrobe.
Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora
The White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee, Alice, and Tweedle Dum
Mario Kart! These were incredibly done.

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