Friday, November 7, 2014

Gambit turned into a horse for Halloween!

For Halloween, I've become one of those parents that dresses up the dog in a costume. In my defense, this one was just too perfect not to put Gambit in it. I've called Gambit a "pony" for the longest time, and lo-and-behold, Target had a "Knight Rider" costume for dogs. Essentially, it's a blanket you velcro together over the dog and it has a knight sitting in a saddle on the back. Maybe I'm not describing it well enough, so here are some photos. Sorry they're not the best quality, he was busy showing off to our friends. He's also not a fan of photos so that can be tricky in and of itself. But there's a movie too!


For Halloween, we drove down to Santa Ana to see our friends-- apparently, there were some good times, but I passed out on the couch at 9:30pm after some pizza and Stella Cidre. It should be noted that I was out until 3am when Cameron woke me up. I do remember waking up a few times (once to say good-bye to a friend leaving), but for the most part I was oblivious. They carved pumpkins and I had no idea. So the general consensus is that I'm old.

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