Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Intermission Post

Howdy, everyone from the WEST COAST!

Sorry that there hasn't been a post in a while- we were on the road for about five days and then Cameron and I have been trying to settle ourselves while showing one of his friends around LA, which didn't leave a lot of time to write the post I've been wanting to (not to mention we didn't get Internet until yesterday). However! I promise that the upcoming post will be pretty epic with details about our drive out to California complete with pictures and a bunch of anecdotes that Cameron tells me would be "good for the blog."

But to hold you over, here are some tidbits from the few days we've been here.

I can get to campus by 7:35am if I leave at 7:10am; so that morning commute isn't as bad as I anticipated. My classes/work schedule doesn't start til 9am, so I can use the hour and a half to work on whatever I need to. Yipee!

We live in a pretty touristy area- one block away from Hollywood Blvd- but it's really quiet and rather residential once you get away from the main street. I think we live in a pretty "young" area- most of the people who live in our building seem to be our age or slightly older.

We seriously considered changing the blog's name to "Gambit's Adventures Out West" since we took more pictures of Gambit than we did of ourselves.

We get a little excited when we find free parking. Some places have one hour free parking, but many of the decks we have to park in to go to Target or grocery stores cost at least $1/hour or something comparable.

Gas prices here are about $4/gallon for 87 grade. The most expensive I've seen for 91 grade (they don't have 93 grade- that's going to take some getting used to) has been $4.59/gallon.

Stay tuned! There is definitely more to come!