Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Guess Who's Employed!?!

The last few weeks since my last post have been a bit hectic, mostly because I GOT A FULL TIME GIG AT UCLA. Do I seem excited? Because excited is an understatement. Since I last wrote, I was interviewing for two jobs at UCLA and seeing how both would pan out. It panned out well, I would say.

I officially accepted the offer last Friday, and Cameron and I celebrated being able to afford rent my getting a job over the weekend down at the pier at Redondo Beach at The Shrimp Lover. The position is at UCLA's Dean of Students' office and I already know several of the staff from my internship in the Vice Chancellor's office, which is an added bonus. I officially start Sept. 15 (right after we get back from Portland for my BFF's wedding).

Gambit: Before I got a job
Gambit: After I got a job

Our view at dinner! 
The Before Shot.
The Carnage! 
After dinner, we walked around on the pier...Look what we saw!